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Kris's story

Writer's picture: Multispective PodcastMultispective Podcast

Updated: May 30, 2023

We feature Kris Ashley who shares with us about some deep emotions and challenges she faced after facing abuse at a young age. Kris is a now successful author, coach and speaker and she writes about her journey to her book and business.

Kris Ashley is a coach, speaker, and author. She is widely recognised for her upcoming book, Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality: How Shifting Your Thinking Can Unlock Your Health, Your Relationships, and Your Peace of Mind, which has been endorsed by three featured experts from the film The Secret (Marci Shimoff, Bob Doyle, and Michael Beckwith), Dying To Be Me author Anita Moorjani, and Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus author John Gray.

Kris's deep understanding of the Law of Attraction, which she discovered nearly two decades ago, has shaped her life and her teachings. Having endured personal trauma early on, Kris experienced a profound spiritual awakening in 2002. Since then, she has dedicated herself to personal growth and transformation in all aspects of her being: emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. This journey became her life's purpose and driving force.

Over the past 20 years, Kris has meticulously crafted programs combining her extensive study, practical experience, and tangible results. Drawing inspiration from a multitude of teachers and traditions, as well as her own life lessons, Kris empowers her clients to manifest their dreams into reality.

Her expertise lies in helping individuals refine their vision, overcome obstacles, and break free from limiting beliefs, thus unleashing their innate potential.

Kris derives immense joy from guiding her clients to reclaim their personal power and create lives they genuinely cherish. Collaborating with Kris guarantees valuable insights, practical tools, and a clear roadmap for embarking on the transformative journey towards your best life.

Where Did Your Spiritual Journey Start?

My story starts when I was twelve years old. I was sexually abused as the hands of a family member from age twelve to fifteen. When my large tight-knit extended family found out what had happened, the family completely split down the middle. Family members whom I had previously been close with told me they no longer loved me and I wasn’t their family anymore. I was left with PTSD, emotions like guilt and anger that I didn’t know how to cope with as a young teenager, and self-harming behaviors.

My life changed in 2002 at age seventeen when I was handed a book that completely changed how I thought about the world. It changed my way of thinking, my way of being, my way of understanding and moving through life. As I turned the pages, it hit me so hard that what was written inside it felt like the truth, and like a sleeper agent, something inside of me woke up. When I finished it, I started reaching for more. I became insatiable. I started devouring every metaphysical, spiritual, new age, and personal development book I could get my hands on. I watched documentaries. I attended seminars, workshops, and retreats. I dove in headfirst to all of the teachings I could find. I became obsessed with metaphysics, quantum physics, meditation, yoga, the Law of Attraction, biohacking, functional medicine, psychology, and different healing modalities. I couldn’t get enough. I was hooked. My life became one big quest to learn, grow, heal, and expand every aspect of myself. It became my life’s purpose, this mission that drove me onward.

As I began to change my mind and get better, my mother began to get worse. Her family had been ripped down the seams and she didn’t know how to cope with it. It started to manifest as illness. She got physically sick, with both serious illnesses and with strange afflictions we had never even heard of before and doctors could barely explain. She slept. A lot. At the height of it, she was on a Fentanyl patch, taking about eleven different pills every day, and sleeping for all but a few hours of daylight. She fell down all the time. She nodded off at the dinner table. She forgot conversations we’d had the day prior. This lasted almost fifteen years while I lived with unbelievable guilt that I had destroyed my family and broken my mother.

In the end, it was my mother who I credit for being my biggest teacher. For every step she took deeper into depression and illness, I climbed hand over hand in the other direction, out of the proverbial tunnel. I saw firsthand what happens to a human body and spirit when they go down that path. And then I saw what happened to my own body and spirit as I decided to change my mind about the nature of reality. I made a promise to myself that I would do everything I could to heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and that I would always prioritize my health.

People look at me now and think I’ve got it made and things come easy to me. That is because I’ve crafted my dream life—the best husband I could possibly ask for, a beautiful dream house we designed together, a job I love where I feel like I’m living my life’s purpose and following my passions, free time to enjoy doing what I love, and the paycheck I’ve always wanted. I am confident in my body and in who I am, and I love my life. I don’t have a shred of doubt in my abilities and talents. But perhaps most importantly, I move confidently through life knowing that I can design the life I want and anything life throws my way I am fully capable of not only handling but spinning to work in my favour so that I may level up even more. I view life as something fun and exciting I get to participate in and don’t take it overly seriously. And I now am a life coach, helping others to achieve what I have, which is so incredibly rewarding.

I share my story not to brag but in the hopes that other people can be inspired and see a possibility to rise out of their own ashes, to shift their mindset, and to know they don’t have to be their past.

At What Point Did You Decide To Write Your Book?

After over two decades immersed in all of these teachings and practices I’ve collected so much knowledge from such a wide variety of sources. The knowledge was seemingly unrelated, yet as I kept diving deep, patterns began to emerge and I started to realize it was all connected. I saw how everything I was learning and putting into practice had completely transformed my life and I decided it was time to share what I had learned and help others. I took a life coach training with Mary Morrissey (who was one of three people to be mentored directly by the late great Bob Proctor). Then I took the best parts from the life coach training and the best parts of everything I had learned from my own studies and experiences and put together my own system. I started sharing it with clients and seeing their lives completely transform, too. I finally decided the world needed this so I wrote a book.

Can You Give Us a Quick High Level View of What Your Book Is About?

The simplest response is: My book is about the Law of Attraction and all of the things that block you from manifesting the life you want and also how to heal those things. Things like limiting beliefs, repressed emotions, anger and grudges that you’re holding onto, fear, your belief system and lens, and the story that you tell yourself. I offer readers different perspectives on the nature of reality through quantum physics and spirituality and show them how shifting their beliefs - essentially changing their minds - in all areas of their life can completely change the life they are living. It’s also packed full of exercises to clear out these blockages and help you get clear on your vision. I like to call it a road map for living your best life.

Why Might Someone Want To Live Their Best Life?

Three out of four people report feeling lonely and disconnected, like they are just going through the motions in life and that it’s happening to them and they are not in control. These people report feeling powerless, stressed out, insecure, anxious, lonely, and/or depressed. And they look at others whom life seems to come with ease to and wonder how it is that they seem to get everything they want. Some feel like they’re stuck in a rut while others resolve to the fact that their life is just average and lacks the potential and/or opportunity to be extraordinary. Another 60 percent say they are dissatisfied with their work. I could go on and on, but the most interesting statistic of all to me is that psychologists estimate 70 to 90 percent of people’s thoughts are negative and repetitive. My book is about making the correlation between your thoughts and your current reality and teaching you how to make a shift.

What is The Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a universal law that says you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. When you focus your energy and attention on what you want rather than what you don’t want, you will attract that thing to you.

The key to using the Law of Attraction is emotion. The reason this works is that we have to match the frequency of the thing we want. We can’t create our new life if we’re working at the same frequency of the life we have now.

And the universe is like the Facebook algorithm: whatever you get emotional about and put your attention on, it thinks you’re interested in and sends you more of.

Now most people think the universe is like a genie in a bottle where you can tell it what you want and then sit back and kick your feet up. But the Law of Attraction doesn’t work if you haven’t done five very specific things.

Because if you haven’t done all of the five, you’ll stay stuck. Not doing these things will block your ability to manifest. You might make some progress, but ultimately you’ll fall back into your old familiar paradigms, patterns, and habits.

What Are The Five Things You Need To Do To Manifest Using The Law of Attraction?

1. Reframe Your Story

2. Release Your Repressed Emotions

3. Forgive

4. Visualize Your Dream Life

5. Change Your Perspective

These 5 steps are imperative whether you’re trying to manifest wealth and abundance, change your health, get a romantic partner whom you have an amazing connection with, or anything else.

Can You Break Each of Those Down A Bit?

Definitely. Reframing your story is about changing the way you view the past. You need to get out of victim mentality and stop blaming other people and outside events for your suffering, and instead learn to see the lesson in everything and grow from it. More often we focus on the past and the future so we miss the present moment. If your thoughts about the past are ones of anger or other low-vibration emotions, you will bring those emotions into the present and manifest more things that make you feel that way into your life.

Only 5% of our day we are using our conscious mind. 95% of our day our thoughts are controlled by our subconscious programming, most of which happens before the age of seven. So you can think positive thoughts, say your affirmations, journal, and create vision boards all you want. But until you rewrite that programming you’ll be sabotaging yourself 95% of the time and you’re not going to get what you want.

Number two is releasing repressed emotions. Emotions are energy and can be powerful, and when we push them down, they don’t have anywhere else to go but into our body where they get stuck and become repressed emotions. And this energy doesn’t just disappear. It stays there, blocking the natural flow of energy in our bodies, causing our muscles to tense up, and either turns into pain, disease (dis-ease), or bubbles up to the surface at inappropriate times and in inappropriate ways.

You have to release your repressed emotions… or all that anger, heartbreak, frustration, guilt, shame, fear, and anxiety will unconsciously drive your life (and seep into your manifesting!). However old you are is close to how many years of repressed emotions you have.

Forgiveness is one of the most important things you can do in life. Forgiveness isn’t for the other person, it’s for you. There’s this great quote that goes: “Holding on to anger is like holding on to a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned.”

Forgiveness is not about excusing anyone’s behaviors. It is merely reframing your perspective on the perceived wrongdoings of yourself and the people in your life to allow you to forgive and release your anger, your hurt, your resentment, your guilt, and your sadness so you can then heal and flourish and live up to your fullest potential. If your lens is one of anger, then that is how you will interpret events around you, how you’ll interact with others, and what you’ll project out into the world, and that anger will eat away at you, causing you harm, possibly eventually in the form of the disease. It is poison, and holding onto poison only causes you harm.

So many people think forgiveness is hard to do, but I teach simple hacks to make it easy, quick, and permanent in my book.

Visualizing your dream life is super important so that you have a North Start to follow. This statistic blows my mind but only about 1% of the population writes down their goals. But energy flows where attention goes…aka – what you focus on is what you will attract more of into your life. However, most people focus on what they don’t want instead of what they do want. If you’ve ever been skiing or white water rafting or any other activity where you have to not hit obstacles and you focus on what you don’t want to hit, you’ll inevitably hit it. Instead, you need to focus on the path between the trees or the water between the rocks. The same principle applies in life. What you focus on becomes your reality!

Now the last one, change your perspective, is the most important one yet. If you can change your mind about who you really are and the nature of reality, then it will send ripple effects through every area of your life. This is the absolute secret to healing, improving, reinventing yourself, and creating lasting change in your life. And while I focus on ALL of these in my book, this is the one I really drive home.

Thank you so much for sharing this all with us today. Can you let readers know where they can buy your book and find you?


To pre-order my book and get my course for free (an $897 value!) before June 20th:

After June 20th, book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Google Books, and Books A Million.

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